What Is Quality?
According to ISO Standards, “Quality is the set of characteristics that give the product the necessary attributes to satisfy implicit and expressed needs”.
Quality became a strategic factor, so that many companies maintain their position in the market as well as a contribution to its survival. The evolution of this concept leads to service quality development, aimed at companies that provide services such as the case of the tourism companies.
How To Achieve Tourism Quality?
Applying standards and good practices at different stages in the service provided to the client to meet their expectations.
Quality Of A Tourist Destination.
It is the result of the competitiveness of the offered tourist products, where prevails the efficient tourist level, because of quality management, appropriate to new global needs and trends.
Policy and management of tourism quality
Are the guidelines and general objectives of a company in relation to quality, originated by management for its execution and implemented by the collaborators.
What Benefits Does A Quality Company Obtain?
- Improve the company image.
- It improves the competitive level of the company.
- Build trust in customers.
- Attract new customers.
- Open new markets.
What Benefits Does A Quality Company Obtain?
- Improve the company image.
- It improves the competitive level of the company.
- Build trust in customers.
- Attract new customers.
- Open new markets.
- Improve the company image.
- It improves the competitive level of the company.
- Build trust in ustomers.
- Attract new customers.
- Open new markets.
What Does It Mean That A Company Has A Quality Seal?
When we hire a service or buy a supplied or manufactured product by a company that has a quality label related management system. It means that the manufacturing or service delivery processes, have been defined, implemented and managed in order to meet the needs and expectations of the customers. It guarantees total satisfaction and ensures continuous improvement of the company that provides the service or manufactures the product.
What Is The Objective Of The Green Q Seal?
The objective of the Green Q Seal is to promote continuous improvements in operational management, environmental behavior and safety and comfort within the facilities through:
- The socialization of the system for implementation.
- Staff training to strengthen the management system.
- System implementation advice.
- The systematic, objective and periodic evaluation of the operation of the system.
- The active involvement of staff.
How Can Siccs Help Me In My Income?
Local and international tourists are becoming more informed and demanding. Nowadays is important the impact of companies in society, internal processes and especially the quality in all the activities of the company.
In this meaning, the SICCS seal can be used in marketing strategies to improve the image of the company and its community. Therefore, can increase the demand for services, the productivity and the income.