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Tour Operadora Clark Tours

  • We are pioneers in Guatemalan tourism and one of our greatest
    achievements has been accompany our clients on each of their trips
    for more than 89 years. Our suppliers and allies, giving us multiple
    awards for participation, for the volume of our sales and for the quality
    of our services, have recognized our long trajectory and the success
    obtained year by year.
    We belong to the International Air Transport Association (“International
    Air Transport Association” o IATA).
    The Guatemalan Tourism Institute (INGUAT) endorses us under the
    Official Tourism Quality Certification of Guatemala. In addition, has
    extended us recognition for being one of the travel agencies with
    longest record of accomplishment at the local level.

Tour Operadora

Datos Contacto

Telefono +502 2412-4700

Direccion 7 Avenida 14-76 Zona 9, Guatemala


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Primer Sello Bronce

Fecha Registro 2023

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Sello Actual SICCS Verde

Vigente 2025

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Sello Actual N_A

Cuarto Sello Q

Sello Actual N_A

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